Victoria’s Blog

Pregnancy and Covid 19

  Creating your Covid-19 Cocoon Simplicity, connection and love is what we truly need to survive and thrive. Being pregnant at the best of times can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster; hormones may be making you feel out of balance, the anticipation of change...

Gentle Release Therapy

  Gentle Release Therapy is a new treatment that blends acupressure, energy healing, cranial work, hormone balancing and lymphatic drainage. It is a deeply relaxing treatment that allows the body, mind and spirit to relax every system so it can rest, restore and...

A letter to Fertility Clinics

Dear Fertility Clinics everywhere, I am writing to you on behalf of my clients that may have been under your ‘care’. I work with many women and couples helping to prepare them for and support them through the very expensive procedures you offer in the hope that you...

‘Don’t Give Up On Me.’

A story of hope, strength and resilience. A few weeks ago one of my very special clients gave birth to her beautiful son. This is not unusual given the work that I do supporting women's pre-natal and antenatal health and wellbeing. I just love receiving birth news -...

Rainbows, Feathers and Angel Wings

 Nurturing Support for Miscarriage and Baby Loss It is the time of year where the energy of loss and letting go is most poignant. As the seasons change and the last leaves fall from the bare trees, we can find ourselves reflecting on what has passed. It is a natural...

Self Care

Why Self-Care is a Priority NOT a luxury for Women. Never before have women felt so under pressure with responsibilities, high expectations and the need to achieve, be and do. Strong, independent, women, striving for success and equality in this world, appearing to...

Hormone Yoga Therapy

Balancing Hormones With Yoga Therapy. On Saturday I attended a Hormone Yoga Therapy workshop at Alma Vale where I work. I was really interested in learning this form of yoga which claims to help with menopausal symptoms, PCOS and even thyroid problems too. According...

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency & HRT

Premature Ovarian Insufficiency & HRT

I strongly believe that the support I had through Dr Evan’s private practice, reflexology, fertility massage, womb healing, energy healing, hypnotherapy, counselling, psychotherapy EFT, nutritional and homeopathic support has also helped me deal with the emotional and spiritual ramifications of entering this transition too early.

A Client Made Me Cry

When people ask what I do for a job and I reply ‘I’m a complementary therapist’ or ‘I work in fertility and pregnancy’ I find that it does not convey well what I really do in supporting my clients through one of the most difficult and traumatic times of their lives.