Gentle Release Therapy is a new treatment that blends acupressure, energy healing, cranial work, hormone balancing and lymphatic drainage. It is a deeply relaxing treatment that allows the body, mind and spirit to relax every system so it can rest, restore and release.

It is a perfect therapy for anyone of any age, it is so gentle that it is wonderful for supporting the grieving process and for working through unprocessed grief, it is great for releasing shock and trauma from the body in an extremely safe and gentle way and is perfect for those feeling stuck or wanting to let go of anything that they feel is holding them back. You don’t necessarily need to have experienced these things to benefit from the treatment as it is so restorative on so many levels and simply allowing time and space for the body and mind to unplug for an hour does absolute wonders.

Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine theories and principles I apply hands on healing to the key organs linked to meridians (energy lines) within the body. Every treatment begins with healing applied to the abdominal area as we help shift and allow energy to flow more freely. Physically we give permission to relax any tension held within the abdomen and on an energetic level we allow the life force energy to move freely, clearing stagnation and blockages.

On an emotional level we ask the body to release the echoes of previous trauma and upset that may be lingering within the body.

At the start of the treatment we set our intention for what we need to work on, this is extremely important as when we voice what we are ready to shift and let go of – whether that is the feelings surrounding a traumatic event, a belief, a vision for what you want to achieve, then the treatment tends to be so much more powerful.

Depending on the consultation and your wishes I will then have a plan to work with, however during the treatment I am guided by what I sense your body needs at the time. It is a very intuitive treatment and is also guided by you the client and what may be coming up for you.

During a session I may incorporate guided visualisations connecting mind and body and assisting with deeper relaxation as well as allowing access to the subconscious to gently release and heal both what is present in this life but also clearing what may be carried down the ancestral line, the inherited trauma’s and events that get passed down the line from one generation to the next.
I may also get my drum out if required, another powerful tool, using sound healing and vibration to shift those really deep and stubborn areas.

When receiving a treatment you may experience sensations as the energy moves and shifts around the body, my hands may feel hot and cold and your body temperature may change also. Many clients have reported the sensation of flying or having a sense of great peace especially when I am working around then head.

Following a treatment it is recommend to allow time to integrate and process what may have come up for you, to allow time to hold on to and continue the feelings of relaxation. You may want to continue with some peace and quiet, go for a walk in nature. Sometimes the treatment can bring things up that may require you to do some extra self-care such as journaling, painting or even performing little ritual of writing and burning what you want to let go of or even planning how you now want to move forward.

Gentle Release is a very gentle but powerful treatment, but the power is within you, as YOU give yourself the permission, time and space to allow change and creat a better way of being.

I was blown away by the impact the gentle release therapy had on me. I had been starting to talk myself into just plugging on with life as normal even though I was clearly feeling overwhelmed.

Seeing you bought home how massively tense I was/am and how much I owed it to myself to stop. It also tapped into some deeper stuff I didn’t even know I was holding inside. With your gentle therapy and insight I’ve been bought to the realisation that what I thought was ‘coping well’ with everything life throws at me is actually bottling up and storing unresolved feelings of frustration, anger and guilt. 

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how much you helped and to say thank you SO much.


After the sessions I always have real clarity of thought. I can’t explain it but I know how much these sessoins benefit me, my grieving process and my mental health, therefore I will continue having them.


I came to the first session with an open mind. I have had reiki, and other therapies before and had met Victoria previously, so felt comfortable and interested. The room is very peaceful, couch is comfy, warm & snugly so all very relaxing anyway. I found it very easy to talk to Victoria, and didn’t try to shape the therapy in any way. I was surprised at the intensity of whatever was at work. It was a really powerful release for me – in fact when I left I was laughing, commented that it was like I’d had half a bottle of wine. I laughed most of the way home, which was welcome and surprising, given how low I had been for so long.

The releasing affect seemed to continue between the sessions, as I returned for more sessions again feeling much brighter and clearer on some issues that had been troubling me. Each session has been relaxing, but has felt quite different in terms of what I have felt, sensed, seen, thought about. I have worked through several things that have been blocking me, and am very grateful for the freeing sensation. I will definitely be back for more.


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