ADHD / Exectutive Function Skills Coaching

 Executive Functioning is a neurological process that enables us to get things done and is essential for thriving in life. Neurodivergent people are typically affected by underdevelopment in this area but poor executive functioning can also be experienced by those who have sustained head injury, chronic stress, grief, and trauma. Many of these challenges are experienced by those going through menopause as well.

In the brain, the prefrontal cortex (the thinking part located behind the forehead) is responsible for directing our executive functioning, and there are 11 executive function skills that are developed and fine-tuned as we move through childhood, adolescence into adulthood. Struggling with executive functioning, can cause huge amounts of distress, stress, anxiety and overwhelm for neurodivergent people especially, as they try to live their lives, have relationships and meet their goals and expectations.

Executive Functions Skills that help us to get things done are defined as:

  • Response Inhibition
  • Working Memory
  • Emotional Control
  • Sustained Attention
  • Task Initiation
  • Planning & Prioritisation
  • Time Management
  • Goal-Directed Persistance
  • Flexibility
  • Metacognition

I am now offering ADHD / Executive Function Skills Coaching contact me for more info.

For more information see my blog