
 Endometriosis is a condition where endometrial cells affected by the hormonal flutuations and changes associated with the menstrual cycle are present outside of the uterus. In a menstrual cycle, these cells within the uterine lining build up, break down and shed in the form of bleeding, flowing through the cervix and out of the vagina – menstrual blood – when conception hasn’t occured.

With endometriosis, these cells can be found outside of the uterus where the blood cannot flow freely from the body and gets trapped within the uterine cavity causing pain, inflammation and scar tissue.

Periods should not be painful and should not affect your life

Endometriosis is commonly found on the ovaries, pelvic ligaments, bowel, bladder and is most commonly found in the Pouch of Douglas (I know what kind of name is that???) behind the uterus in an area between the uterus and rectum. It is less commonly found elsewhere in the body but it some cases, cells have been known to be found outside of the pelvis.


Symptoms attributed to endometriosis can include;

  • pelvic pain
  • abmornal menstrual cycles
  • difficulties conceieving
  • painful intercourse
  • rectal pressure
  • painful bowel movements
  • heavy and / or painful bleeds
  • pain down the legs
  • back pain
  • infertility
  • gastrointestinal problems
  • fatigue
  • depression

Endometriosis can be a very long and difficult condition to get diagnosed due and the average time until diagnosis is approximately 8 years. Many young menstruating people reporting painful periods are dismissed, issued medication in the form of hormones, the pill and strong pain relief. Rarely are thier symptoms investigated leading to a diagnosis where information and advice on how to manage the condition and support the body in a more holistic way can be offered.

It isn’t until many women reach breaking point with the pain and it’s affect on thier life, relationships, school and work OR when they try to concieve that it is taken seriously as the sticking plaster of the Pill is removed.

Endometriosis can be very difficult to diagnose due to it’s symptoms varying from person to person and overlapping with many other conditions affecting the reproductive, urinary, digestive, endocrine systems.

Endometriosis is usually diagnosed following blood tests, ultrasound, MRI and laparoscopy. Treatment for fertility may involve surgery to remove the endometrial tissue but unless you combine this with strict diet and lifestyle changes endometriosis can come back. 

As with many other conditions affecting the hormonal and reproductive systems especially when it comes to chronic pain, the impact on mental / emotional health can be huge, especially if for half your menstruating life you are anticipating and living in chronic pain. In addition, the psycological messaging about what it means to be a woman or a menstruating person is worth considering also.

Chocolate Cysts – Endometrioma

Chocolate cysts on the ovaries can derive from endometriosis as the body tries to manage and contain the endometriosis creating cysts on the ovaries that are filled with old blood. These cysts can rupture, cause pain. 

Symptoms include;

Disconnection from the body, often a coping mechanism for those living with pain combined with feelings of anger and frustration directed towards the body can be particularly psychologically harmful especially when it comes to trying to get pregnant where the heart / womb connection is paramount.

Dietary Considerations for Endometriosis

  • Tackle excess oestrogen via detoxification of the liver
  • Increase Omega 3 and reduced Omega 6 by eliminating meat and dairy foods high in Omega 6 and avoiding hydrogenated oils
  • Reduce / eliminate coffee – no more that 2 cups a day
  • Avoid / abstain from alcohol
  • Try an anti-inflammamatory diet for 4-6 weeks and
  • Increase oestrogen modulaing foods such as kale, greens, broccoli, cabbage, turnips
  • Tempeh and miso soup can help regulate oestrogen
  • High fibre diet to help elimintate excess circulating oestrogen

High quality food state vitamin supplements

  • Omega 3
  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamine C with bioflavonoids
  • Magnesium
  • Star Flower Oil
  • Indol supplements (DIM) to help clear oestrogen

I recommend Cytoplan for vitamins Cytoplan



  • Rosemary herbal tincture
  • Agnus castus
  • Milk Thistle
  • Dandelion root
  • Echinacea

Practical Support

  • Fertility Massage Therapy
  • Castor Oil Packs
  • Use organic, reusable / washable sanitary towels / pants or unbleached towels
  • Regular exercise but very gentle exercise during bleed if you can

If you are interested in supporting your body in a more holistic way then I recommend you see a qualified professional who specialises in Women’s Health for;

  • Nutritional Support via Nutritionist
  • Herbalist / Homeopath
  • Acupuncture
  • Women’s Health Physio / Osteopath

Fertility Massage Therapy

A wonderful nurturing and healing treatment that can help reduce and manage many of the symptoms associated with endometriosis including painful and heavy periods.