Managing Emotions with Concious Emotional Processing

Unfortunately, we were never taught about the importance of our varied emotions and their role in directing us towards addressing imbalances, needs not being met and trauma needing to be healed.

As a holistic therapist and and Emotional Freedom Techniques practitioner, I understand how essential it is to listen to these important chemical messengers and see what they have to tell us.


The Freedom Fertility Formula goes one fabulous step further; not only do we allow space to sense,  feel and acknowledge our emotions, we also tune into them to learn what these emotions are trying to direct you towards – guiding you towards the next best action to take. Which when on a fertility journey can feel so overwhelming, it can be very difficult to make decisions that are right for YOU and your situation.

‘The 4A Process is a complete gamechanger’

 We often label emotions as good and bad, positive and negative, ones that are worthy to be shown and ones that we think may be best kept hidden. Anger, sadness, shame and jealousy to name a few, can all make us feel like we are in the wrong or a bad person for having a natural chemical reaction to a thought, event, memory or future memory.

We can be shamed for feeling a certain way and learn to suppress important feelings, sometimes to make others feel better which does us such an injustice and a dis-service as we miss such a crucial opportunity for repair, healing and growth.

The Freedom Fertility Formula is amazing at helping us to look at and understand the many complex emotions associated with fertility struggles, and offers a safe space to gently work through them and listen to their wisdom.

The tools and techniques learned for working through emotions in the Freedom Fertility Formula, are profound and they have become part of my everyday toolkit for managing the up’s and down’s of life.

One client described the 4A Processes a total game changer with regards to how he now processes his emotions resulting in much better communication with his wife, stronger connection and a much improved relationship.

Imagine the impact on children if parents can connect with and work through their own emotions, feelings, situations and traumas together in a healthy way prior to having children.
Think about the modelling where children can see that all emotions are important and valid, that when you are able to process and work through emotions in a healthy way you are then able to help children understand and process their own emotions too.

You see when I work with helping clients to conceive, it doesn’t stop with a positive pregnancy test, I am preparing your body, mind and spirit to become happy, healthy, conscious parents.

The Freedom Fertility Formula, is an essential coaching/counselling and mind/body programme that teaches a set of amazing tools to help handle the stresses and strains of infertility. It helps couples and individuals to cope better, manage life in a much more fulfilling way and to ensure that decisions and choices are right for you rather than coming from a place of fear. 

The side effects of doing this programme are improved relationships, enjoyment of life, reclaiming your joy and an opportunity for healing and growth.

Once we liberate you from the weight of emotional turmoil, I can guide you towards a more positive future full of joy and hope as you prepare for conception. 


The Freedom Fertility Formula –

FEEL right emotional empowerment

Helping you on your fertility journey

Until I am back in my clinic I am offering online fertility consultations, bespoke pre-conception care programmes and coaching calls.

Schedule your free 15 minute discovery call to see how I can help support your emotional and mental wellbeing.

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