Recovering from Trauma with Gentle Release Therapy

Gentle Release Therapy is a hands on energy healing modality incorporating the fundamental principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

Gentle Release is extremely beneficial for those who have been impacted by traumatic events either recently or in the past, including childhood and transgenerational trauma and abuse.

Trauma is the invisible force that shapes our lives. It shapes the way we live, the way we love and the way we make sense of the world. It is the root of our deepest wounds.’ Dr Gabor Mate.

As a bodyworker, EFT Practitioner and Energy Counsellor and having used these therapies myself to help heal my own trauma, I fully understand the interconnectedness of body/mind and the physical and energetic impact of trauma on the body.

Therefore, I believe that by leaving out the physical and energetic body out of trauma therapy in the form of stand-alone talking therapy, we are doing a huge disservice to those who are seeking recovery and healing.

Gentle Release Therapy

Gentle Release Therapy for Transforming Trauma Memory in the Body/Mind

Gentle Release TherapyGentle Release Therapy is a safe and relaxing treatment. The client does not necessarily need to share, think about or do anything. We can simply set an intention and let the body guide the healing.

Using very light touch to connect in with with the energy systems, I first place my hands on the liver area, an important organ in TCM relating to feelings of anger and frustration. I then move my hands

to the other key organs within the abdomen associated with the Chinese Meridian system, using energy healing to support the physical and emotional body.

Within the treatment I also incorporate cranial release which is deeply relaxing and helps clear and relax the mind enabling you to think more clearly.

Acupressure points located throughout the body on meridians – the same points that acupunturist’s use to insert their needles, Gentle Release uses very light touch on these points to help soothe the body and support the physical or psychological symptoms associated with trauma. 

Trauma directly affects the nervous system, the flight, fight, freeze or fawn response and can often result in disassociation where by in order to survive the mind and body disconnect and for some, especially those who have experienced ongoing or repeated trauma, they can find it very difficult to come back into their body, floating in a detached state of being.

Gentle Release TherapyGentle Release helps to bring lost aspects of self safely back into the body by providing an extremely safe, nurturing and gentle space where clients feel held and supported. 

The kidneys are another important organ in the body is the organ connected to fear. In Western Medicine, the kidney’s are where the adrenal glands sit on top of. The adrenal glands trigger our stress response – flooding our body with adrenaline and cortisol. When we feel unsafe, are stressed and anxious we can be hyper-vigilant and our adrenal glands become overactive leading to tension in the body, burnout and exhaustion. We can see the link between trauma and conditions like adrenal fatigue and M.E where by the body is too exhausted to function.

By supporting the kidneys both directly with energy healing to the physical kid

ney’s and adrenal glands, as well as the acupoints on the kidney meridian, we are helping to calm the flight or fight response, offering the body an opportunity to feel safe and secure for healing and integration to happen. 

Gentle Release as the name describes, is an opportinity to release and let go of traumatic events and thier impact on the physical, mental and emotional energetic body. This clearing can help you to shed these layers so you can move more freely forward in your life. 

According to the mental health charity; Mind, trauma is defined as;

‘Going through very stressful, frightening or distressing events is sometimes called trauma. When we talk about emotional or psychological trauma, we might mean:

  • situations or events we find traumatic
  • how we’re affected by our experiences.

Traumatic events can happen at any age and can cause long-lasting harm. Everyone has a different reaction to trauma, so you might notice any effects quickly, or a long time afterwards.’ What is trauma? – Mind


Other therapies that I offer that support trauma are;

The Gentle Release Therapy website

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